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Beaverton Schools

School Improvement Plan

Strategic Plan Goal Area 1:

Strategic Plan Outcome: All identities are valued and every student is included

Strategic Plan Measure: % of secondary students reporting people at their school understand them as a person.

School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): By the end of the 2023-24 school year, 85% of our students will report that people at their school understand them as a person.

Strategic Plan Strategy: Provide relevant, meaningful and differentiated professional development for all staff.

Strategic Plan Goal Area 2: 

Strategic Plan Outcome: Progress on Standards

Strategic Plan Measure: Course passage rate by course desegregated by subgroups, including racial groups and SPED/ELL/504/TAG

School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): By the end of the 2023-24 school year, 90% of each student subgroup will earn a C or better in their classes.  This will occur by teachers using designated strategies during instruction at least daily.  We will track progress on use of strategies and teacher feedback through department meetings and classroom walkthroughs targeting strategy use observed in at least 50% of weekly walkthroughs by the end of January 2024.

Strategic Plan Strategy: Articulated and scaffolded high leverage teaching strategies (AVID-WICOR) taught and consistently used in all content areas at all grade levels.