If a student is struggling in class(s), the first step is for the student to talk with the teacher. It may also be helpful for your student to set up an appointment as needed. Counselors can also help set up meetings.
Academic Supports:
Apollo Rise (2nd Period) is designed to support students by allowing students the opportunity to access a variety of academic help during 2nd period. Students are assigned to a teacher who takes attendance. After the first 15 minutes of 2nd period, students may check out of their classroom to see one of their teachers, go to the library, check into a computer lab, go to peer tutoring, etc. Access tutorial is a school wide study hall with academic support. We hope your child takes advantage of this opportunity.
District Approved Tutor List
Peer Tutors - Tutoring by National Honor Society students during 2nd period.
Credit Recovery Options- Speak with your counselor prior to registering for credit recovery courses